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When God's Divine Power Lives Within

“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His Divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him Who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” 2 Peter 1:2-4 NKJV

Our knowledge of God enhances the power of God within our lives. The power we have within comes from the Holy Spirit, when we receive Christ as Lord and Savior. However, the power within cannot be entirely worked within, nor seen throughout our lives, unless we humble ourselves. Without the ability to humble ourselves, we will never properly love God and truly know God.

If we are not seeking, then we are depleting. Spiritual energy drains when our heart is fixated on this world.

Humility, then, is the greatest virtue that leads to all other virtues and pursuits. It is by humility that we enter into the knowledge of God Almighty. As knowledge increases, so does spiritual authority. For within lies the Spirit of Him Who is Pure, Perfect, Holy, Love, and True. There is no defilement within Him. It is our job to continue our pursuit of desiring to know God, in order that we may properly trust in God, believe in God, seek God, and walk in His ways. If we are not seeking, then we are depleting. Spiritual energy drains when our heart is fixated on this world. Spiritual power cannot move where it has not been allowed to move. For we hinder the flow of the Holy Ghost by our selfishness, our sinfulness, and our complacency.

If our spiritual gaze is upon the Heavens and Him Who created them, knowledge will naturally follow.

Knowledge must be had if we are to see the full manifestation of the Holy Spirit come to fruition. We must not wander or waiver at the thoughts and anxieties of this life. We must set our eyes on things above and not of this world (Colossians 3:2). For it is by way of looking up, that we receive more knowledge. For if our spiritual gaze is upon the Heavens and Him Who created them, knowledge will naturally follow.

This looking up is not merely a contemplation of what lies beyond our solar system. Rather, it is an internal reflection and meditation upon God’s Word. It is the Holy Scriptures that reveal Who God is. Though man has aided in understanding God, the accuracy of their help has been guided by Scripture and the Holy Spirit. For the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential to grow in the knowledge of God. Any man can open the Bible, but it is the Spirit that makes it come alive. It is the Holy Spirit that breathes the fresh breath of knowledge into our soul. From there, we walk in the spiritual man and the Holy Spirit begins to reign more mightily within.

When God’s Divine power lies within, we have been truly born again.

When God’s Divine power lies within, we have been truly born again. We begin down the path of that which will last an eternity. We partake in the blessings that are to come and set our soul up for the future. We live in the present and have the power to focus on others and not ourselves. What lies ahead for those who have the Spirit of God far outweigh any afflictions of today (Romans 8:18). For we will partake in the Divine nature that is to come.

As our soul is stamped by the Blood and protected by the Holy Spirit, we receive the blessed promise of new life. Our temporal bodies will become eternally purified and perfected. Our finite minds will dwell within the Infinite. Our mortality will transcend to immortality. For whoever has a soul is promised immortality. Our free will decision, based upon the Holy Spirit’s drawing, will determine where our immortality will dwell throughout all eternity. May all choose Christ, to enter into newness of life.

For the Holy Spirit has given us all things that pertain to life, godliness, glory, and virtue. We are vessels that carry the name of Christ. We have power within to pray the enemy away with a single word: “Jesus”. No longer can the enemy destroy us. Only through temptation, can he hinder us. Thanks be to God, however, that “He Who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4 ESV). By the Holy Spirit we fight. By the Spirit we put on our armor. By the Spirit we are led into spiritual warfare, but we are not overcome by darkness. For “we are more than conquerors through Him Who loved us” (Romans 8:37 ESV).

At any moment, we may flee from temptation. We may speak against darkness. We may ask for forgiveness of sins. For it is by the Spirit that we are filled with the Light of Truth.

Darkness, temptation, and sin have no authority over us. At any moment, we may flee from temptation. We may speak against darkness. We may ask for forgiveness of sins. For it is by the Spirit that we are filled with the Light of Truth. We are guided down the path of holiness. We are propelled into eternal glory. As we go throughout time, our old nature begins to fade away. The closer we draw to seeing Christ face to face, the more we should be cleansed and purified. For we should be holy, just as God is Holy (Leviticus 11:44, 1 Peter 1:16). We are simply commanded to “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8 ESV).

God fills the earnest heart with His Love. He blesses the anticipated mind with Divine Truths. He fills the desirous soul with His presence.

In drawing near to God, He, in return, draws near to us. He fills the earnest heart with His Love. He blesses the anticipated mind with Divine Truths. He fills the desirous soul with His presence. In drawing near to God, we receive all of His blessings, His gifts that He desires to give, and spiritual authority. For as we grow closer to God, we know God more. As we know God more, we grow in spiritual authority.

May every soul be awakened to the reality that this life is fleeting. It is but a vapor (James 4:14). We are either pressing in or fading away. Why must we dilute ourselves by the distractions and temptations of this life? O that we might fear God and desire Him, in order that we may receive all from Him. He has given us all things through Christ. We must simply knock, seek, and pick up that which has been already offered.

The spiritual authority within the born again believer is greater than all the kings of the day.

The spiritual authority within the born again believer is greater than all the kings of the day. There is nothing that trumps the Spirit’s overall power. We may hinder His power by suppressing and grieving Him, but we must know that our current state and lifestyle does not need to be as it currently is. The Holy Spirit desires to shine His Light. He wants to illuminate the soul with spiritual Truths. He desires to bless the mind with Enlightened revelations of God Almighty. The question we must simply ask ourselves is this: do we desire to grow in God and are we seeking Him?

The Holy Spirit wants to illuminate the soul with spiritual Truths. He desires to bless the mind with Enlightened revelations of God Almighty. The question we must simply ask ourselves is this: do we desire to grow in God and are we seeking Him?

The greatest of saints were those who were weak in their own strength. They were men and women who simply humbled themselves, sought God, and allowed the Spirit to do what He came to do.

May God’s Divine power both live within and be seen without. May we continually be transformed until our day of ascension.

May God’s Divine power both live within and be seen without. May we continually be transformed until our day of ascension.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your many blessings. Lord, You have protected us up to this point in life. We know that You will continue to do so according to Your will. O Blessed Trinity, may we have unity in Thee. May we be found amongst Your children. May we choose the blessed road of higher ground. Unassailable God, look down upon our meek and lowly hearts. Touch us with Thy Divine power. May the Holy Spirit draw us into wanting to know more about You, the One, True, Triune God. May we be equipped with the Armor of You and be the branches that bear fruits of the Holy Spirit. Give us clarity to recognize we have all things in You and that Your Divine power in us provides authority over the evil and darkness of today. You alone, O God, rule and reign Sovereign. We put our trust in You, and we pray for a continuous enhancement of Your Divine power within. May the Holy Spirit come to full fruition through us. May He guide and lead us towards that which is according to Your Word. May He help us to obey Your statutes and seek to fulfill Thy Holy will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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