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When The Spirit Moves

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.” Ephesians 1:17 ESV

The most powerful force known to man is God’s will.

The most powerful force known to man is God’s will. The Source and Person by which that will is fulfilled is the Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit moving upon us and upon this earth, the Lord’s will cannot be fulfilled. For though we think we are in control, we are merely vessels and Spirit-bearers. As temples, our job and duty is to die to self daily and seek God. We have no other quest than to continually annihilate selfishness, sin, and our own passions and will. Through desiring and seeking such a state, the Spirit will naturally move upon us more mightily. His presence will increase because we desire that ours would decrease.

It is by the Holy Spirit alone that we can come to know God and can live for Him.

It is through this continual fight that advancement is made. As we continually shift our mindset and our inner dispositions towards the Spirit, we will possess a greater manifestation of the Spirit. For it is by the Holy Spirit alone that we can come to know God and can live for Him. Without the Holy Spirit, we would die in our vileness and sin. With Him, we are transformed and changed into holy citizens. This is evident in a true born again believer’s life.

It is only by the Holy Spirit that we may change for eternal purposes. Without Him, our change is temporal and fleeting.

When the Holy Spirit moves, we can expect change. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV). Where the Blood covers, the Spirit flows. Where the Spirit flows, change occurs. When change occurs, we shine brighter. When we shine brighter, the world notices the change within. For it is only by the Holy Spirit that we may change for eternal purposes. Without Him, our change is temporal and fleeting. With Him, it is a change for God, not merely for self.

Many people can change on their own in this life for the sake of themselves. Their purposes are not set upon God. They desire not to please God, but to please themselves. Though these pursuits may not at all be sinful, they are nonetheless selfish.

Pursuits such as these cast God to the side and do not seek to submit and surrender to Him. When this happens, the self-change that occurs does nothing for the state of the soul. However, when the Holy Spirit changes us, He perfects the soul. For every sanctifying touch that comes from the Divine Spirit aids in purifying us. We begin to transform to the road we are led down. For the path of righteousness can only be stepped upon, so long as the Spirit’s presence lights the way. For He is Holy, and so we must be holy if we desire to ascend to the Heavens with God.

Only by the Holy Spirit may we be found holy. Only by the Blood of Christ may we be found righteous. The presence of the Holy Spirit and salvation through Christ are the blessed Gifts given by our Heavenly Father. They are the Gifts that show us the way where there appeared to be no way. They prepare us to meet our Father in Heaven. They are the reason for our hope.

The Spirit’s presence in us is only so powerful as we are humble.

When the Spirit moves, not only are we transformed, but we become productive vessels in our work. Every engagement, action, and deed becomes an opportunity to reveal Divinity to the community. Everything that the Spirit does through us can be seen by the world, so long as we ourselves fade into the distance. For the Spirit’s presence in us is only so powerful as we are humble.

So long as the Spirit is moving, our eternal reward is building. Not for the sake of gain in Heaven, but for the meaning of how we lived our lives here in this life.

The Holy Spirit can do beyond what we can imagine. For every action is a wave set into motion. Every word or deed echoes into eternity. So long as the Spirit is moving, our eternal reward is building. Not for the sake of gain in Heaven, but for the meaning of how we lived our lives here in this life. For the greater rewards in Heaven reveals the greater desire we had for God in this life. The more we allow the Holy Spirit’s magnet to pull us to the nucleus of God Almighty Himself, the stronger our passion is for both God and doing His will for His glory.

Therefore, the pursuit of rewards is not wrong, so long as we desire the rewards for what they mean, rather than what they will be. For in gaining the rewards, it shall be revealed to us and all of Heaven that our pursuits were pure. However, in having rewards burned at the altar, it is revealed that we had ulterior motives that were not entirely given over for the sake of Christ. “For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life” (Galatians 6:8 ESV).

Our goal in this life is to see the Holy Spirit move mightily upon us, within us, and around us. We must cease competition, comparison, and ambition in this life with other believers, if we desire to see the Spirit move.

“The Spirit’s presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all” (1 Corinthians 12:7). Our goal in this life is to see the Holy Spirit move mightily upon us, within us, and around us. We must cease competition, comparison, and ambition in this life with other believers, if we desire to see the Spirit move. For if we as saints destined for Eternity continually squabble, quarrel, and compete, we will most assuredly face defeat. Not the defeat of the soul, but of productivity for God’s Kingdom. For the Spirit will not move where there is envy and bitterness. "For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there" (James 3:16 NKJV).

Those who need more followers, more pews filled, and better ministries are those who are falling into sin and idolatry. As motives become corrupt, the Holy Spirit says, “Enough!” No more will He move if there is competition amongst believers. For our mission should be one and the same. We should seek unification and reflect upon the intentions of the heart if we are to maintain the call we had from the start.

All God's gifts should be humbly received and sought to be enhanced and used to the fullest by the Holy Spirit.

We must know that “there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6 ESV). All we have and all we are should be used for the sole purposes of God alone. All God's gifts should be humbly received and sought to be enhanced and used to the fullest by the Holy Spirit.

We must continue the daily journey of dying to ourselves and seeking the will of God. Only then can the flow of the Holy Ghost become evident in our lives. Only then can He fulfill what He was sent to do.

We must therefore know that “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25 ESV). If the Spirit is in us, then the Spirit desires to lead us. He cannot lead, however, when corruption and defilement take precedent. We must continue the daily journey of dying to ourselves and seeking the will of God. Only then can the flow of the Holy Ghost become evident in our lives. Only then can He fulfill what He was sent to do.

Let us forever remember that “we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord Who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV).


Heavenly Father, You are the Great and Mighty God Who sent His Son into the world to die for our sins. You are the One Who blesses the born again believer with the presence of Your Holy Spirit. O God, thank You for all You have done for us. We are undeserving of all the things that You give. Lord, give us the strength to die to self and open ourselves up to the entire flow of the Holy Spirit. Empty us, that the Holy Ghost may fill us. We desire to have all that the Spirit desires to give. We desire to be all that the Spirit desires to be in us. O Holy Spirit, forgive us for the times we have grieved and quenched You. For You are a gentle, yet mighty Spirit. You are the One Who reveals true holiness. O Holy Spirit, be holy within us, that we may be holy like our Heavenly Father. For only by You can we live for God. Move mightily within and change us. May Your sanctifying work transform us into righteous vessels. May Your power guide us into the Father's will. We submit and surrender to You, and trust that You will be our Advocate, Comforter, and Helper. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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