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Why Are There Only Two Destinations In The Afterlife?

Updated: Apr 20, 2019

The reason there are only two destinations in the afterlife is because it is in fact the most logical decision. To be caught in the middle between both would not make sense; and in fact, we are currently in the middle between Heaven and Hell. At this very moment, we are living at a point in time where we will be the closest to Heaven we will ever be, or the closest to Hell that we will ever be.

In this life, you either are seeking God, or pulling away from Him. You either accept what He has done for you (sent His Son the Lord Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for the sins of those who would believe in Him and repent), or you refuse to accept what He has done and pay the consequences. You will either spend eternity with God, or you will spend eternity without Him. To think that you would want to accept Him in the afterlife for what He did is tough for any logical thinker to believe. If a person who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ their whole life wished that they could go to Heaven while in Hell, it would be for nothing more than selfish reasons. That person would not want to go to Heaven to be with God, they would simply want the peace and joy that comes with Heaven. They would selfishly want to be free from the torment. No desire for Jesus. No desire for God.

Understand this: as there is a gradual increase of the glory of Christ in Heaven, there will be a gradual increase of torment in Hell all throughout eternity. The choices you choose today regarding Jesus Christ will decipher your eternity. In the words of Joshua 24:15, “Choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Lance VanTine



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