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Wisdom Is Found In Saying Less

He who guards his mouth preserves his life, But he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction.” Proverbs 13:3 NKJV

Those who constantly speak of their problems and air their emotions on social media are those who are not wise. When people always feel the need to speak, they will most likely be tuned out. It is ironic that the more someone talks, the less people will remember. The longer the presentation, the more people forget. It is only the greatest of the great that are able to speak for long periods of time and keep their audience engaged in what they are saying. Jesus was a master at speaking for hours and having people flock to Him, but this was not His only method.

When we view the life of Christ we can see that He would encourage, rebuke, and convict with just a simple sentence or two.

When we view the life of Christ we can see that He would encourage, rebuke, and convict with just a simple sentence or two. Jesus understood that wisdom was found in saying less because He Himself was wisdom. He did not speak to entertain. His words did not fall flat. Rather, they pierced the soul. Every heart that saw and heard Jesus would listen because He both possessed and was wisdom. He was the living flesh of the Word of God, and by His words men were astounded, angered, bewildered, healed, and excited. The Pharisees hated Him because He had all wisdom and could do that which they could not. Christ also did not do what they did. The Pharisees were righteous in their own eyes, but Christ found His righteousness and will in the Father alone. The Pharisees possessed the Law, but Jesus, as a twelve year old boy, visited the temple and taught them (Luke 2:41-52).

Christ lived by what we all should live by: when it has been said, it has been said.

Christ’s wisdom was always found in His heart-staggering or heart-melting words. He never felt the need to meet a time requirement for His speaking. He lived by what we all should live by: when it has been said, it has been said. There is no need to speak beyond what has already been stated. Many men, however, are puffed up in their knowledge. They want to spend hours and hours professing what they know, not realizing that their audience is slowly fading away.

Those who speak much, listen little.

Those who speak much, listen little. Those who speak much are fascinated with their own voice and they desire to be heard, rather than hearing others. They are men of pride and lack the humility to allow someone else to speak. This could be in something as harmless as a Bible study. There tends to always be a “know it all” who desires to do all the answering of questions and talking, without hearing from others.

It is the fool who relentlessly neglects to step back and learn from others.

Unity lacks when man desires to portray all that he knows. It is the foolish person who relentlessly neglects to step back and learn from others. The fool believes they have learned all there is to know, and in so doing they become susceptible to pride and an unhealthy competitive spirit.

The less we talk, the more we hear. The more we hear, the more we grow.

Wisdom, therefore, is found in saying more with less. “Do you see a man hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him” (Proverbs 29:20 NKJV). Those who are hasty to express their opinions will soon come to ruin. They are not wise and lack the ability to hear and learn from others. Every path in life and every circumstance is a chance to grow in knowledge. The less we talk, the more we hear. The more we hear, the more we grow. We must not allow past knowledge to override future insight. We must not deafen ourselves to future understanding from our lack of muting ourselves. We must allow others insight, perspectives, and answers (even if they be wrong) to be said, in order that we may grow in wisdom.

It is only in speaking short, striking sentences that wisdom will flow into the soul of others.

We must strive to say the most with the least. It is only in speaking short, striking sentences that wisdom will flow into the soul of others. Most people remember not passages, but verses. Most people memorize quotes, not paragraphs. We must request of God the wisdom to speak with power and just a few words through us. This world is constantly spewing out material. We are filled with advertisements and can rarely find the time to quiet and still our senses. We must focus on that which can live within. For mighty men of God’s quotes are good, but Scripture is better. Begin, therefore, to learn the Word of God and powerful verses will be derived by God’s Wisdom at the appropriate time. For it is God’s wisdom that can be read through the Scriptures. It is His voice that can be heard through His Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit speaking out the Word through us at perfect times when Wisdom may flow.

Let us not be hasty with our words. Let us be wise and seek to hear rather than be heard.

Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3 NKJV). Let us, therefore, not be hasty with our words. Let us be wise and seek to hear rather than be heard. When it is our time to talk, may we dilute ourselves of self-glorification. When it is our turn to speak, may the fountain of the Holy Spirit flow. Only through Him can we shut down our desire to be known and lift up our Heavenly Father’s Mighty Son. Only by eliminating human knowledge, can words of unction come forth and mature someone ten times beyond human intellect.

God alone possesses wisdom. Wisdom lives within us when we have been covered by Christ’s Blood and have been given the Holy Spirit. May God speak continually through all of us. May His Words change, convict, and encourage the hearts of all we meet.


Heavenly Father, forgive us of our pride and folly. Lord, we are guilty of wanting to appear prideful and knowledgeable before a crowd. Lord, may we desire to deny ourselves daily. May we mute ourselves in order that we may hear from You. May we desire to learn, rather than profess knowledge. Lord, give us the wisdom to say much with few words. Give us the wisdom of Christ, in order that we may say what must be said in the proper time. You alone, O Lord, are our Guide and Anchor. Lift us above the intelligence of this world. May the ears of our soul listen to the wisdom within. May all hear Christ speak through us when it is our turn to present before our friends, family, and audiences of few or many. Lord, give us the wisdom to refrain from saying anything beyond what needs to be said. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine


1 Comment

Unknown member
Jul 25, 2020

Received and blessed. Thanks, Lance. 🙂


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