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With Wisdom Comes Sorrow

"For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow." Ecclesiastes 1:18 NKJV

Those who ascend in the faith are those who see life as dying to what they want and living in Him Who gives new hopes and desires.

Those who ascend in the faith are those who possess a burdened heart for the lost. Their focus on themselves decreases, while their heart for others increases. No longer do they view life as living for what they want. They now see life as dying to what they want and living in Him Who gives new hopes and desires.

The wisdom given by God assists in revealing more of Who He is and a deeper understanding of the emptiness of the things of this world. It is in God’s wisdom where the bedrock and foundation of knowledge is found. This knowledge reveals the comparison of the world to God; including the world's utter lack of fulfillment when compared to Him Who is Holy.

That which is not of God is that which will always rob. Whatever is contrary to God will rob us of joy, peace, and meaning.

That which is not of God is that which will always rob. Whatever is contrary to God will rob us of joy, peace, and meaning. Though we may be entertained for a season, we will constantly be led towards striving for more. The world, with its pleasures and enticements, screams “More. MORE!” There is never a sense of fulfillment, for there is always a desire to acquire more and compete with others for the best of things. Those who buy into this rhythmic beat are those who will eventually reach the reality of defeat. Defeat within the soul, feeling unfulfilled, unproductive, and unloved.

It is through greater wisdom that we deepen our sense of God. Since God is wisdom, He therefore is able to give wisdom as He sees fit. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, Who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5 NKJV).

God is willing to give His wisdom to all of those who have taken the initial step of believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and repenting of their sins and wicked ways. Once this has taken place, we are able to ask for wisdom. ““Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”” (Mathew 7:7 NKJV). As we ask, we must have faith that God will grant us our heart’s desire. “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you”” (Matthew 17:20 NKJV).

The mountain that is moved when we ask God for wisdom is the mountain of deception that has blinded many. As we believe that God will give us greater wisdom of what it means to live, He will reveal to us the misguided path that we once walked down and that many are on. He will burden our hearts for a lost and dying world.

As our hearts are transformed by the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, we begin to grow in distress for those who are on the wrong path. When we grow in Godly wisdom, the reality and reasoning of Hell deepens.

As we once were chasing after prosperity and popularity, we have been changed by God's Holy Spirit. We no longer desire the things of this world, but we look towards the Heavens. As our hearts are transformed, we begin to grow in distress for those who are on the wrong path. When we grow in Godly wisdom, the reality and reasoning of Hell deepens. We come to understand that the majority of those who have the cognitive ability to utilize their libertarian free-will will never commit their lives to Christ.

It is depressing to watch as multitudes are led astray by that which does not satisfy. For we live in the most sensual and enticing era. People are addicted to sex and fornication. They watch it on television and in movies and are aroused by watching others do that which should only take place in the context of marriage. We also have many being diluted by fast-paced, self-seeking individuals on how to make money overnight. Money and sex are amongst the greatest idols within our day.

As we born-again believers were saved from ungodly and distorted pursuits of sex, money, pleasure, and the like, we now have sorrow in our hearts for those caught up in such things.

As we born-again believers were saved from such things, we now have sorrow in our hearts for those caught up in such things. We desire that all would come to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We realize that the enemy has blinded the minds of many. For even though Satan portrays streets of gold, underneath those streets of gold is rot. The longer one walks down Satan’s cunning path, the quicker they are of being devoured by his deception.

May the grief found in godly wisdom guide us to wanting to share the Gospel at an ever increasing rate.

May the grief found in godly wisdom guide us to wanting to share the Gospel at an ever increasing rate. May it motivate us to pray for others, fervently. As time presses on, we continually draw closer to the coming of the Lord. No one knows the day or hour (Matthew 24:36). However, it is imperative that we allow our actions, thoughts, words, motives, and prayers to be based upon Godly wisdom.

May God destroy the walls of deception in every man’s conscience. May we be mature enough to carry Godly sorrow and grief for those who are perishing.

May God destroy the walls of deception in every man’s conscience. May He work mightily through us. May we be mature enough to carry Godly sorrow and grief for those who are perishing.


O Holy Spirit, flood our souls with the wisdom and love of God. May we be found as those filled with Your Holy presence. As we move through this world, may our sole desire be to live for You and to help others. May all come to know You, Lord. Through Your grace and mercy, reveal to man that the world is nothing more than a deceptive place that shouts “more.” May we come to understand that we will never be satisfied by the things of this life. Only in You will we grow to understand that You are our true joy and salvation. In You alone our souls will be at peace. Lord, deepen our wisdom. May it guide and lead us in the days ahead. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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