“As you do not know what is the way of the wind, Or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, So you do not know the works of God Who makes everything.” Ecclesiastes 11:5 NKJV
All that is before us has been created by God. There is nothing that is, that is not from God.
Forms, functions, fashions, and familiarities all come from God. He is the One Who gives us the ability to perceive, understand, know, and sense. He is the One Who makes sense of all else.
We may know how things are by how we view them, but when meditated upon, we really know very little.
We may understand the wind, its use, and what it is capable of, but do we know the way of the wind? Yes, we can know which way it is going, but where does the wind come from? Where did the first gust of wind originate?
When we think of people, we understand that all of us were once babies. At one point, we were a person in the womb. Yet, do we fully understand how bones can begin to grow in the womb? Do we understand how something that once did not exist has now come to be through God's blessing the interaction between a man’s sperm and a woman’s egg?
We can know many things on a surface level, but deeper springs are brought forth and made known through meditation and reflection.
Everything that we see has deeper levels of discernment and understanding. We can know many things on a surface level, but deeper springs are brought forth and made known through meditation and reflection. This is the reality with God.
““For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”” (Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV).
God is One Who must constantly humble Himself and descend to our level, so that we may perceive, know, and understand Him and what He does.
Everything that God does far exceeds man. God is One Who must constantly humble Himself and descend to our level, so that we may perceive, know, and understand Him and what He does. Not that we can understand everything, for we are often placed in situations and seasons where we can do nothing but trust Him.
Some things cannot be explained, only endured.
Sometimes, the only thing we can do is acknowledge what we cannot do, which is done through surrender. For some things cannot be explained, only endured.
The works of God are greater, mightier, higher, loftier, and more wonderful than we can understand.
The works of God are greater, mightier, higher, loftier, and more wonderful than we can understand. However, this does not negate the reality that enduring what He permits will be difficult.
Following God brings forth peace, but not always clarity.
Following God brings forth peace, but not always clarity. Though following Him is following in the way of Truth, it is not always clear where the Truth is taking us. However, The Truth of Him leads us to trust Who is leading more than we want in perceiving the path ahead. For we know we are headed down the right road when we walk in the footsteps of Him Who loved us and gave up His life for us, namely, the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:2).
When we recognize that we can only know and perceive so much about basic aspects of life, we better understand the reason why we can’t understand the ways of God.
When we recognize that we can only know and perceive so much about basic aspects of life, we better understand the reason why we can’t understand the ways of God. What God creates can be recognized but not fully known, for we don’t even know everything about ourselves.
God is involved in every intricate part of our being and His overall creation.
Some of us don’t know what it looks like inside us. Others of us are unsure why we always feel a certain way. Many of us do not take time to assess our triggers, what we are more susceptible to being tempted by, our personality, and who we truly are – even something as simple to understand as the number of hairs on our head we do not know, yet God knows (Luke 12:7). God is involved in every intricate part of our being and His overall creation.
God is not only in the macro, but the micro. He is not only beyond all, but immanently within all.
When understanding this, we come to find that God is not only in the macro, but the micro. He is not only beyond all, but immanently within all. He loves revealing His Power, Glory, and Splendor through that which He creates. Everything that is, consists of what His Divine Mind chose to create.
Every micro aspect of creation helps to provide visibility and function to the macro aspects of life. Without atoms, there would be nothing. Without God, there would be no atoms. God truly is the Ground, Basis, and Source of all being, reality, and existence.
Every micro aspect of creation helps to provide visibility and function to the macro aspects of life. Without atoms, there would be nothing. Without God, there would be no atoms. God truly is the Ground, Basis, and Source of all being, reality, and existence.
He who acknowledges he does not know is well on his way to knowing more than he would otherwise know.
Meditating on this truth gives us peace in knowing that we do not know. For he who acknowledges he does not know is well on his way to knowing more than he would otherwise know.
Humility opens the doors to receiving greater insight and depth of knowledge. Why? A humble heart can handle and hold wisdom in how it is to be used and managed.
Humility opens the doors to receiving greater insight and depth of knowledge. Why? A humble heart can handle and hold wisdom in how it is to be used and managed.
The prideful and arrogant are overthrown by knowledge. It puffs them up. However, a humble man can take knowledge and wisely distribute it in its proper form.
The prideful and arrogant are overthrown by knowledge. It puffs them up. However, a humble man can take knowledge and wisely distribute it in its proper form.
Ecclesiastes 9:13-15 (NKJV) declares: “This wisdom I have also seen under the sun, and it seemed great to me: There was a little city with few men in it; and a great king came against it, besieged it, and built great snares around it. Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city. Yet no one remembered that same poor man.”
Wisdom delivers and brings forth fruits and blessing. Wisdom aids in one’s conquest in growth.
Only godly wisdom can come from God. When we ask with a humble heart, He will bestow upon us the wisdom needed. Sometimes, this wisdom comes by way of accepting that we do not know God’s works and we merely need to trust in Him.
I recently had a conversation with someone at the gym on a treadmill. His wife randomly left him and took his daughter. We talked, and I told him that God can do anything and work miracles, but we must be willing to trust God. I told him this was not God’s doing but His permitting. He alone can work out evil for a greater good because He has the power, wisdom, and knowledge to do so. He is timeless.
The man admitted that he knew that’s what needs to be done, and he had been reading the Word of God. He said, “I know I need to trust God, but I’m not doing that fully – I don’t know if I can.”
Here, this man had both humility and knowledge to accept what he knows he needs to do, but he is struggling to do so. I believe that if he pours out his heart to God, God will hear his prayer and move in a mighty way.
This man acknowledged that he doesn’t know what God is doing. He does not understand how God is working or what He is up to, yet, he is battling the right thing to do within. He wants to follow through with what he knows must be done, and I trust God will get him there if he fully presses into his humility and comes to God with an honest heart.
When we think on God, we come to find that we will never know all there is to know. Yet, He has revealed Who He is through the Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3). God knows that we cannot understanding Him, yet He provided opportunities for us to know and grow in Him. This growth is ever-increasing when one is seeking after God.
God is willing to bless us with the wisdom and knowledge to know more, but to not know everything in full.
In seeking God we come to find that we will never fully understand why He allows certain things to occur. We do not know the works of God Who has truly made everything. There is always deeper understanding to be gained, and God is willing to bless us with the wisdom and knowledge to know more, but to not know everything in full.
Some things shall forever be a mystery to us, for “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter” (Proverbs 25:2 NKJV).
What God hides can be to protect us, to reveal how High He is above us, and a means to draw us closer to Him.
What God hides can be to protect us, to reveal how High He is above us, and a means to draw us closer to Him. As James 4:8 (NKJV) declares, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
Let us give God our faith and ask Him to increase it, that we might move forward in the power of the Holy Spirit and our works may be multiplied for His Glory.
God in Heaven, deepen our understanding, wisdom, and knowledge of You and Your works. God, reveal to us Your Glory. We seek You, God. We ask that You would bless us with a heart that is diligent in all realms. May we continually pursue after You each day. By Your Power, may we remain faithful in what You have called us to do. God in Heaven, we place our complete trust in You and surrender our will, knowledge, and questions to You. May You give us the strength to endure all seasons, knowing that it shall pass in Your time. Give double for what we have lost, that we may use what You give to bless others. God, You know what must be permitted and allowed. May we not strive to get out of our seasons but to grow in them to our dying day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine